Cruising Fleet Meet & Eat!
Please join the Cruising Fleet this Monday, March 21, 2022 at 6:00pm. The Cruising Fleet Meet and Eat (CFM&E) starts at 6:00pm with a cocktail hour(Beer & Wine) followed by dinner at 7:00pm. Our monthly meeting starts at 8:00 pm, followed by a presentation/guest speaker. These topics include sailing adventures by members or an educational topic such as boat building. This month, the Mooring Supervisor will be presenting "Moorings In"! If you have a boat in the mooring field you will want to attend this meeting.
The way the CFM&E works is a member or group of members volunteer to cook the meal for that month. All expenses are reimbursed by the Cruising Fleet.
Membership to the Cruising Fleet is $20.00 per family per year and each CFM&E cost $10.00 per person. Meetings are well attended and are a great social event.
Please plan on attending our first CFM&E on Monday, March 21, 2022 at 6:00pm.
Please RSVP so that we can get an idea of how many will be attending.
Bill Carton
Cruising Fleet Captain