Reciprocal Clubs

Reciprocity:  rec·i·proc·i·ty (resəˈpräsədē); noun; 1. the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit, especially privileges granted by one country or organization to another. Reciprocity is the policy under which special advantages are granted by one side in consideration of the same by the other.

Monmouth Boat Club offers reciprocity to select yacht clubs where reciprocal agreements have been negotiated.

To check the full list of reciprocal clubs please click here

If your club is interested in establishing reciprocity with Monmouth Boat Club, please contact our corresponding secretary at

In addition to the clubs listed above, MBC may accommodate members of other legitimate yacht or boating clubs (generally, those having a permanent facility to meet, established by-laws, and elected officers) that in turn recognize MBC as a reciprocal. Proof of membership is required and usage is subject to MBC’s house rules.

An important note for our visitors: Monmouth Boat Club has no full time staff nor a launch service. We have a limited number of transient moorings available. We kindly ask that you e-mail the Vice Commodore ( 72 hours ahead of your planned visit so that we can make arrangements for your arrival.

Monmouth Boat Club

31 Union Street, Red Bank, NJ 07701
